Maryland (MD) size 12,407sq.m population 5.8 million
Bordering states Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware (4)
State capital Annapolis
Most populous city Baltimore
Other notable places Hagerstown, Ocean City, Towson, St. Charles
Notable landmarks and natural features Chesapeake Bay, Baltimore Inner Harbor, Backbone Mountain
Statehood 28th April 1788 (7th)
Ten famous Marylanders
Spiro Agnew (politician, 39th Vice-President of the USA; born Baltimore, 1918-1996)
John Wilkes Booth (Presidential assassin; born Bel Air, 1838-1865)
Divine (actor and drag queen; born Towson, 1945-1988)
"Mama" Cass Elliot (singer; born Baltimore, 1941-1974)
Philip Glass (composer; born Baltimore, 1937 -)
Linda Hamilton (actress; born Salisbury, 1956 -)
Dashiell Hammett (author; born Saint Mary's County, 1894-1961)
David Hasselhoff (actor and singer; born Baltimore, 1952 -)
George Herman "Babe" Ruth (baseball player; born Baltimore, 1895-1948)
Frank Zappa (musician and composer; born Baltimore, 1940-1993)
also from Maryland are my friends Sarah (b. 1982) and Jonathan (b. 1985). Hello both!
Three important events
1. Quasi-War (1799)
During the Haitian Revolution, America got a little twitchy about the colonial-minded French naval presence in the Caribbean. As such it commissioned and built its first six warships. One, the USS Constellation, was built and launched out of Baltimore. As tensions between the United States and France grew, the USS Constellation became the first US warship to capture an enemy vessel, L'Insurgent, in 1799. It was later renamed the USS Insurgent where it sank with flying colours in a storm at sea in the West Indies the following autumn.
2. The Great Baltimore Fire (February 7th-8th 1904)
As you may already have guessed, this was a great fire that struck Baltimore in 1904. Starting in the John Hurst and Co. building, It raged for over 30 hours, as a lot of the fire brigades sent to fight the blaze found that their hosepipes didn't attach properly to Baltimore's fire hydrants. 35,000 people were left unemployed by the fire, which destroyed 70 city blocks. It provided major impetus for the standardisation of fire-fighting across the United States, as well as the rebuilding of Baltimore in more flame-retardent materials.
3. Racial integration (1935)
Maryland was the first state to overrule 1896's Plessy vs Ferguson ruling which stipulated separate accomodation for whites and blacks, the 1935 Murray vs Pearson et al ruling demanding the desegregation of the Law School at the University of Maryland. It set an important moral precedent in the civil rights movement, albeit one which had no legal jurisdiction beyond the Maryland State borders.
Nice answers in replace of the question with real point of view and explaining about that.treatment center new Jersey
Henry Eberhardt Targeted Individual in GlenBurnie Maryland illegally put on a Homeland Security Watch List over Freedom of Speech and mainly for being a outspoken Trump Supporter my wife and I are Felony Stalked every day our names slandered our jobs and property destroyed that's what the Democratic Criminal Party is all about.
Henry Eberhardt of Glen Burnie Maryland is on the Child Sex Offender Registry. He is a mental illness paranoid man child. The government doesn't care if you are Trump supporter. The government would not waste time, money, and resources to stalk a non important citizen who lives in poverty.
I took video and pictures of all the Slander against me Henry Eberhardt. Time to run and hide Anonymous. Lol
You Libtarded piece of Slanderous shit I'm working diligently get your Libtarded failure in life ass in front of a Judge for those out right lies. Folks if you look on a sex registry list in Maryland you WON'T find my name Henry A Eberhardt on it as a matter of fact if I was on one by law I wouldn't be aloud to live across the street from Marley Middle School. I will get this lying piece of shit in front of a judge one way or another.
Lying piece of Libtarded shit and I know you don't live in the U K and once the investigators find your location in the states you will be pulled in front of a judge for those Slanderous Lies and fraud you better believe it Libtarded trash.
Stay anonymous because Slanderous accusations not to mention you are a Cowardly piece of shit !
This is a lying piece of Libtarded Shit that defends Pedophiles by accusing the thst hate Pedophiles by calling them Pedophiles. You best believe your time is coming you lying piece of shit 💯
Trumps your president and doing a great job flushing the Democratic Criminal Party down the toilet where it belongs like Criminals like yourself . The Slander against me on this platform that you put out will eventually catch up to you one way or another .
TRUMP 2028
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