
Thursday, 31 January 2013

New for 2013

Hello again. Today I'd like to talk to you all about the world of art. And the world of finance. Specifically, the art that I have done which is for sale. At the end of last year I started an Etsy store to flog Christmas cards. This was a good idea. I also promised that in the new year, there'd be lots of new stuff available. A rash promise, I'm sure you will all agree. For starters, it meant I had to do some bloody work.

The horror of that prospect notwithstanding, here it all is. This is the first phase of the 2013 range of stuff that you can use to festoon your house. Camouflage your valuable walls to look like a child has had a go at them with a packet of bath crayons.


The first prints available are the following two. They are from an experimental print run of ten so that we can test the waters.

SLOTHBUSTERS - A3 digital print on 170 gsm glossy paper, £10 (+ p&p)
OVER-FAMILIAR TIGER - A3 digital print on 170 gsm glossy paper, £10 (+ p&p)

Obviously, the plan (or at least the hope) is that these will be successful and I'll be able to re-order a second print run. Come that lovely sunny day, I will also be adding the following designs to the range:

If everything by this point is going as planned, I also have a number of A4-size print designs that I can add to the store. Here are a selection of those:



I have also made a series of 145 x 145mm square greetings cards for almost every conceivable life eventuality. Well, four of them. The test prints of these cards, on recycled 350 gsm cardstock, look absolutely brilliant and should be available to buy via the store late next week.


There are already a selection of original artworks for sale on the store but I will also be adding others. Firstly, I will be making the original pictures for all the prints that you have seen available. I also have a number of bespoke pictures and paintings in the pipeline, including a giraffe canvas which is pretty sharp.


I'm also going to try and work out a way to produce my Animal Alphabet as a colouring book, as I have been promising for the past twelve years. If you have any suggestions as to the best way to do this, or are Ian Doring or Ian Kindersley from Doring Kindersley, please do let me know.


Here endeth the commercial break. If you are interested in any of the above, please visit my Etsy store here: Sad Clown Illustration. You can also get in touch with me via the comments on this post or by emailing me using the link in the sidebar of this blog if you have any comments, questions, suggestions or requests. The most common request so far has been "sod off". You can also BUY any of these things by clicking on that email and dealing directly with me, in case you don't have an Etsy account and don't bally well want to get one.

By the way, if you want to stay updated with what's going on in Sad Clown world, you could do a lot worse than liking our very own Facebook page: Sad Clown Illustration.

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You have reached the bottom of the internet