
Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Trimble Trouble

So, here's the deal. I've decided to not say anything about Britain's new cleverest person in all history™ Gail Trimble. Partially because she's clever enough to think me under the table and put a fie on my knackers. Or hoof them. But also because I don't understand all the clamour, all the snarkiness and all the farrago. It strikes me as a little unfair to give the same sort of coverage normally reserved for Jade Goody, Kerry Katona or Jordan, to a woman with enough brainpower to potentially succumb to a confused existentialist fug instead.

Personally, I think such a stellar intellectual performance should, if anything, be hushed up. If word gets out, they'll be wanting the VOTE next.


Graham Sibley said...

You've been dreaming about her, haven't you. I look forward to your pictures.

Lord Manley said...

I am getting to be a fan - she has a great figure

Unknown said...

I came here hoping for a scathing analysis of the surprising upsurge in sectarian rivalries in Ulster, only to get this twaddle

Colour me deeply disappointed


You have reached the bottom of the internet