
Wednesday, 25 May 2011

My favourite albums: Adam

A third selection. This time from my friend and noted booze astronaut Adam. He is 33 years old and lives in Lincoln. He describes the sequence in which he has placed these albums in as, "very approximate order of Absolute Works of Genius to Would Consider Running Into A Burning Building to Save The Last Existing Copy".

Adam is also fretting about whether or not he should have included several other albums. Sadly, it's now far too late for that.

Kate Bush - The Kick Inside
Philip Glass - 3rd and 2nd symphonies
X-ray Spex - Germ Free Adolescents
The Smiths - The Queen is Dead
Pavement - Brighten the Corners
Belle and Sebastian - The Boy with the Arab Strap
Kraftwerk - Tour de France Soundtracks
Boards of Canada - Music has the Right to Children
Chemical Brothers - Exit Planet Dust
Midlake - The Trials Of Van Occupanther

Thanks to Adam. If you'd like to contribute, please click here.

1 comment:

My Name Is Ian said...

Hang on. How long has he lived in Lincoln?


You have reached the bottom of the internet