
Thursday 26 May 2011

My favourite albums: Thomas

My collection of favourite albums lists continues on its swelteringly pointless way, pleasing me enormously. Here's the top 11 albums of Thomas, who you can find on Twitter as @thomassays. Thomas is the first person to contribute a list whom I don't really know, making me realise that this could grow into a huge collection.

Graceland - Paul Simon
American Water - Silver Jews
No Gods No Managers - Choking Victim
Das Oath - Das Oath
Double Nickels On The Dime - Minutemen
In An Airplane Over The Sea - Neutral Milk Hotel
Relationship Of Command - At the Drive-In
Daydream Nation - Sonic Youth - MF Doom
Start Today - Gorilla Biscuits
Madonna - ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead

Thanks to Thomas. If you'd like to contribute, you can do so here.

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