
Friday, 10 June 2011

My favourite albums: Mudrock

Today's list of favourite albums is courtesy of all-round internet celebrity and allotment wrangler Iam Mudrock. Mudrock is 44 and has lived most of his adult life in Brighton with occasional spells in London, Chicago and Seattle. As with any self-respecting 40-something man, he's a vinyl fanatic although a good C90 mixtape will tide him over. "I refused to buy CDs until about 2000 when a lot of stuff stopped being released on vinyl." he says.

Here are his picks, all of which he plays regularly for his daughters - ages 10 and 13. Such an endeavour should be made mandatory for all parents!

Ween – God Ween Satan: The Oneness. (1990)
I first heard this in Chicago in 1993. The opening track ‘You fucked up’ gets your attention and sets up the rest of the album. I have been ever since a massive Ween fan. See them live if you can

Beastie Boys – Check Your Head. (1992)
Beasties best album. Rock, punk, hip-hop, jazz all rolled into a delight for the ears.

Flaming Lips – Transmissions From the Satellite Heart (1993)
Saw these live in Chicago in 93 and was hooked, less polished than the later stuff we know them for now, but brilliant catchy riffs and quirky lyrics.

Tom Waits – Rain Dogs (1985)
Sunday morning hangover music.

The Goats – No Goats, No Glory (1994)
One of the best Christmases of my life was 1995 in a loft apartment listening to this amongst others with a ping pong table and enough supplies to keep us going for 3 days.

Countryman – Original Soundtrack (1983)
Great soundtrack to a great movie. This didn’t leave the turntable for months on end.

John Spencer Blues Explosion – Extra Width (1993)
Saw JSBX live in 1993 and had to have the album, I’d never heard anything like it live, so much noise from a 3 piece, and a Theremin to boot. Awesome, and I spoke to Russell Simins on the phone when he heard I had a copy of the Crunt album that he drummed on.

Mudhoney – Superfuzz Bigmuff (1988)
Early Sub-Pop release that set the scene for the likes of Nirvana. Pure guitar energy, they don’t make ‘em like this anymore.

Pixies – Surfer Rosa (1988)
Genius song writing, probably the best album ever made.

The Doors – L. A. Woman (1971)
I was 17 speeding my tits off in a basement in Landsdown Place, L. A. Woman came on the stereo and my head did a flip. The Doors changed the way I listened to music forever.

The Stone Roses – The Stone Roses (1989)
All time classic from the days of staying up all night at post rave house parties.

as a P.S., Mudrock adds he would also happily include the compilation album Nuggets: Original Artyfacts From The First Psychedelic Era 1965-1968 from 1972. So there you go.

Thanks go to Mudrock. Add yours by shouting at me.

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